Blake Wilkey Tears Up Tijuana In URBAN ASSAULT 3

Mob Armor is proud to be a title sponsor of Blake Wilkey's (AKA Shreddy) newest film while he's tearing up Tijuana, Mexico!

Have you ever seen landscape and features around town and thought, "that looks like an awesome spot to ride"? Everyone has, at least once in their lives. Well, for Blake Wilkey, longtime Mob Armor sponsored driver, these thoughts have become reality - more than once. While sometimes this doesn't work out in his favor, it's earned him a reputation and quite a following in the off road community. 

This time around, Wilkey did things a little more by the books (just a little) took on Tijuana, Mexico for his third installment of "Urban Assault", with help from the locals and officials alike. No sense in giving a play-by-play for the film here... watch it below!!


From the YouTube description...
OHHHHH MEXICO…. when I tried this in San Diego my ass went to JAIL! Now we are here sharing the newest Urban Assault 3 with open arms in Tijuana! Thank you for welcoming us to your beautiful city for the joyride of a lifetime! After 18 months of effort on this project, and over 5 years of building JAWS, the first ever TROPHY TRUCK "BUG" came to Fiesta! We wanted to show the rawness of TJ and historical spots such as the Reloj Monumental de Tijuana in the heart of the city,  the infamous Monumental Plaza de Toros seen off Highway 1 on the Pacific Coast heading south, and ending at Playa de Tijuana to name only a few! Aside from these amazing spots, the culture, colors, food, and people, make Mexico a special place for us to enjoy time and time again. We hope our efforts capture your imagination of what's possible when many talented people come together to create a contagious vibe through imagery! Comment something rad from your favorite part to let us know your thoughts and where we should SHRED next!

If you're interested in buying some Shreddy gear or checking out all of the awesome sponsors of the film, check out his website right here! By the way... there may be a discount for Mob Armor floating around out there on the site too! 

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